Teachers will appreciate how quick and easy this music terms and symbols game is to learn and play for up to 30 players.
Each download includes the following PDF for you to print at home:
- 30 game boards for up to 30 players
- printed card deck with symbols
- printed card deck with definitions only
- Calling cards with symbols in Powerpoint with macros to randomize slides
- Calling cards with definitions only in Powerpoint with macros to randomize slides
- instructions
Concepts in Level 2: Cut Time, Common Time, Eighth Time, Rit, A tempo, Tempo, Allegro, Andante, Moderato, Chord, Coda, D.C. and D.S., Fine, Eighth Note Triplet, First and Second Endings, Interval, Key Signature, Legato, MM Marking, Molto, Octave Sign Poco, Scale Sixteenth Note, Sixteenth Rest, Subdivide, Tenuto
After playing this easy music classroom game, students will become more aware of the musical terms and symbols in their songs.
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